Wrecking the Greasers

Hi, its Frank a 15-year-old boy who is part of a gang called the Socs. On a bright sunny day, we rolled our way to a market with our mustangs. We entered into the store to go to lane 3, the dairy section. My best friend bob took 5 boxes of eggs and went to the front to pay for them. Our group followed each other outside and jumped into our mustangs and drove around Tulsa, Oklahoma to throw eggs at the Greasers house, their trashy cars and them. Finally, after looking around for minutes we found Ponyboy, the youngest Greaser. He was almost home so we took our eggs and waited so we can throw these eggs at his home and brothers as well. As we were creeping up on him, he glanced back and saw us. He then ran to his house as quickly as he could and yelled help. His brothers came out of the house, so we all threw the eggs. Their house and cars were splattered with egg yolk and they were as well. The Greasers yelled, "I will get you back!" But we just ignored them and continued to laugh while we drove away.


  1. I am also a part of the Socs but I don't really take part in their stupid fights or egging houses a really wish to be a part of the greasers just cause they actually listen and respect each other unlike us socs we just do whatever we want which isn't bad , when you hurt others it's not fun. Whenever us socs go out to search for a fight or do some bad things I usually stay in the car and watch hopelessly when I should be going and helping the greasers.


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