The Drive-In Movie Theater
It was May 10, the day after we threw our eggs at the Greasers. Our crew met at 7 eleven where we gassed up and cleaned our cars. We cruised around Tulsa, Oklahoma and still had 10 eggs, so we just threw it at a house. There was no reason to keep it these eggs unless we encounter Greasers. It was 7 a clock, so we went to the drive-in movie theater. The movie was called Marry Poppins and was going to start in 10 minutes. As we drove in we saw Greasers hanging out with the Socs girls. I saw Ponyboy fluting with Cherry and Johnny talking with Marcia. Cherry was my girl. I was so upset that I jumped out of the Mustang and ran towards them. I ran as fast as I could and punched Ponyboy with my force, He was down and looked unconscious cause he wasn't moving. Ponyboy's crew came over and went down to check if he was okay. Cherry screamed so I went over and hugged her and said: "it's okay". She pushed me away and said, "I hate you, go away." I started to cry and ran back to my buddy's car and said let's just go home.
You socs don't know how to interact with each other. You guys are always looking for trouble and never care about others. You jump almost every person of my gang and just injure everybody. One day, it won't matter if we're poor or rich. What will matter is who will get the last laugh and we promise you, it's gonna be the greasers. Us. The greasers. You socs would fight each other for a tiny small thing and wouldn't care who will get hurt, quote the opposite of us greasers, we will fight together no matter what and look out for everybody in our group.
ReplyDeleteDang, I was just getting a coke and some popcorn when I heard some fighting going on. I quick rushed in to stop the fight but you guys kept throwing punches. One of those punches hit me right in the nose. I was bleeding for 5 mins. Glade I was able to help minimize that damage before thins went crazy.